~Proverb 31:25-26~

Her desire is to provide relationships and opportunities for women to grow, exist, and learn to love them selves as well as others through "THE BIBLE".

Thursday, January 26, 2012


She depicts the beauty and grace that the bride of Christ is ascending into in this day. But even in her bridal array, she carries the sword, which is the Word of God. She is spotless and she is armed... she is a bride that is watchful, sober, and focused. She wields her sword with skill. Like a true warrior, she does not run from the battle, but is alert and ready for whatever comes. She stands beside her rock, symbolizing the Lord who is her strength....

The purpose of this ministry is to encourage women in this region to be the beautiful, creative, loving Spirit-filled beings God designed them to be.

It is also to help them enter into a passionate and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and to teach and equip them to walk in the power of an endless life through knowledge of the Word and personal experience of the spirit realm.

The Lord is raising up women in this hour, to a stature and to positions they have not occupied before. Although we strongly believe that every wife is to be under her husbands loving spiritual covering, we also believe that God has given women a unique gift that needs to be welcomed throughout the body of Christ.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Choice Wisely

As The Spirit Leads

Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. ~Luke 12:3~

Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness,.... In the most private manner, to one another: shall be heard in the light; which makes all things manifest, the day shall declare it: and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets; whispered to persons in their bedchambers, and places of the most secret retirement; shall be proclaimed upon the housetops; declared in the most public manner: "Weather Good or Bad Spoken"

~USE CHOICE WORD.~ Words that build, esteem restore & heal! Words that create life and life more abundantly, which is the very word that Jesus spoke in ~John 10:10~ "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. ~Colossians 3:16~ God has call us as a body of daughters and sisters in Christ Jesus to stick close, link together, edify and encourage each other to do all that we can through Christ. Ask God to to speck freely in you and through you, to allow your word be Holy Word! "for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say." ~Luke 12:12~

I pray Lord that  the word of our mouth and the mediation of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, that we use choose words that you have imparted in the depths of our heart after we have spent time in your presence o`God. I pray that we decrease that you may increases in our lives, that your spirit teach us and lead us and also remind us that you have come to give us life and life for ever more. Have you way in us and through us by the power of "Your Word and the Holy Spirit".

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Personal Relationship With God

Wordle: Women Desgned For Purpose

“IF YOU ABIDE IN ME, AND MY WORDS ABIDE IN YOU, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” (John 15:7)

1. Establish;
One of the things the Holy Spirit  convey's  to us through the word, the Bible, is that if we really want to be able to get God to answer more of our prayers, we have to create a desire in God to want to answer more of our prayers. And the #1 way that we create a desire in God to get Him to want to answer more of our prayer requests is by establishing a good, intimate, personal relationship with Him.    God wants to satisfy and meet the deeper longings of  our soul and spirit that no human could ever reach! He can truly give us a perfect, pure, and unconditional love that no other person will be able to give us in this life. He is be able to love us better and deeper than anyone else in  our life – including the good natural love that we can get from our parents, our children, our marriage mates and some of our best friends.  We can totally trust God because He is totally and completely perfect in all of His ways. He will not hurt us or harm us in any way. God has no dark side to His personality, so He is completely trustworthy. He is totally incapable of hurting us in any way.

The first part of the first sentence – “If you abide in Me” - is telling us that the very first thing that God is wanting from us, in order to be able to properly approach Him for prayer is for us to establish a very strong personal relationship with Him!

Jesus is using the word “abide.” The word abide means to “continue in a state or place, to endure.” What Jesus wants from us is that we be willing to abide in Him, that we be willing to live in Him. Being willing to abide in Jesus means that we have established a very good, intimate, personal relationship with Him.

Notice that Jesus starts the first sentence out with the word “IF.” IF we have established a personal relationship with God, THEN we can approach Him with our prayer requests, and THEN He will answer them.

PLEASE NOTE;  God cannot be tricked or duped. We cannot try and enter into this kind of personal relationship with God in order to try and get Him to give us all of your wants and desires. Your motives must be pure!  We enter into a personal relationship with the Lord because we want to get to know Him personally!  We do not enter into this kind of a personal relationship with Him to see how much He can give us. We have to want God for who He is – not for what He can do for us. The Bible tells us to seek the face of God – not His hand

2. The Bible
The second part of the first sentence then says, “My words abide in you.” I believe Jesus is telling us two things in this sentence.
His “Words” are literally meaning His Words. If we have established a good, loving, personal relationship with God, then He will talk to us just like  we will talk to Him. And if He is talking to us, then His words will be abiding in us! This will be as a direct result of the free flowing dialogue that we will have with God as a result of having established a close, intimate, personal relationship with Him.
The other meaning to His words abiding in you is that He is referring to the Bible. If we really want to enter into a close, personal relationship with God, then we have to be willing to spend some type of regular quality time reading the Bible. The Bible is the only true source that we have down here on this earth where we can really learn all about God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
When we first enter into a true, personal, love relationship with someone, the very first natural desire we will have is that we will want to get to know everything we can about this person. we will want to know about all of their likes, their dislikes, where they have come from and what they have been through. And the only way that we can find all of this out about them is by asking a lot of questions.
With God, the #1 way that we will learn all about Him is to read the Bible, because the Bible will tell us everything that we will need to know about Him, His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. We have to seek after knowledge about the Lord – and the Bible is the #1 main source that we have on this earth that can teach us about God and all of His ways.

Bottom Line
To summarize the revelation in the above Scripture verse in one bottom line statement:
God is looking to establish a close, intimate, personal relationship with each one of us. This is done in two ways:
  1. By establishing a direct, free-flowing and spontaneous best friend relationship with God where you commune and talk with Him on a regular and frequent basis in the exact same way you would with a best friend.
  2. And by seeking after the knowledge of God – trying to get to know all you can about Him by studying and meditating on what is written in the Holy Bible.
I pray for all who are willing to step into a journey waiting you, that as you enter into these realms with the God, that your life will never be the same again. That this close, intimate, personal relationship that you can enter into with the Lord will be the door opener that will change the course of your entire life forever, Amen!