~Proverb 31:25-26~

Her desire is to provide relationships and opportunities for women to grow, exist, and learn to love them selves as well as others through "THE BIBLE".

Thursday, January 26, 2012


She depicts the beauty and grace that the bride of Christ is ascending into in this day. But even in her bridal array, she carries the sword, which is the Word of God. She is spotless and she is armed... she is a bride that is watchful, sober, and focused. She wields her sword with skill. Like a true warrior, she does not run from the battle, but is alert and ready for whatever comes. She stands beside her rock, symbolizing the Lord who is her strength....

The purpose of this ministry is to encourage women in this region to be the beautiful, creative, loving Spirit-filled beings God designed them to be.

It is also to help them enter into a passionate and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and to teach and equip them to walk in the power of an endless life through knowledge of the Word and personal experience of the spirit realm.

The Lord is raising up women in this hour, to a stature and to positions they have not occupied before. Although we strongly believe that every wife is to be under her husbands loving spiritual covering, we also believe that God has given women a unique gift that needs to be welcomed throughout the body of Christ.

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